Renowned as the “Godfather of Shock Rock,” Alice Cooper finds himself entangled in controversy following comments on transgenderism and children that led to a partnership termination with Vampyre Cosmetics. The cosmetics company, known for its LGBTQIA+ community support, took a stand against Cooper’s remarks, which ignited an online uproar.
Cooper’s expressed opposition to transgender surgeries for minors, deeming it a “fad,” and his critique of “woke culture” became the crux of the issue. The fallout from these statements saw Vampyre Cosmetics severing their collaboration with him, a decision that reverberated across social media platforms.
The cosmetics brand made a resolute announcement on Instagram: “In light of recent statements by Alice Cooper, we will no longer be doing a makeup collaboration.” The post continued, affirming their solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community and advocating for accessible healthcare. As a gesture, all pre-order sales were promised refunds.
During an interview, Cooper was asked about his perspective on remarks made by fellow “theatrical” rock artists regarding gender identity. His response included a point of view that stirred controversy: “I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him telling him, ‘Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be’.”
In the same conversation, he offered another viewpoint: “A lot of times, I look at it this way, the logical way: If you have these genitals, you’re a boy. If you have those genitals, you’re a girl. There’s a difference between ‘I am a male who is a female, or I’m a female that’s a male’ and wanting to be a female. You were born a male. Okay, so that’s a fact. You have these things here.”
Alice Cooper’s comments have ignited a wider conversation about the intersection of gender identity, expression, and societal perceptions. The consequences of his words have not only resulted in a professional fallout but have also amplified the ongoing dialogue around LGBTQIA+ issues in the public sphere.
Thank You Alice Cooper
I 100% agree with him and I hope he doesn’t backpedal. Any doctor who is willing to give hormone blockers to a child, in my opinion, is just as Guilty of Child Abuse as are the parents who request it. It’s Disgusting and an Act Of Crime Against Humanity.
No one under the age of 25, should be allowed to go through a sex change.
That’s an ignorant thing to say. We would have a suicide crisis on our hands because a lot (not all) transgender kids & teens struggle with depression and attempt suicide to stop the internal pain. I have a family member that went through it and he (formerly she) said if the surgery had been available sooner it never would’ve happened.
IT’S NOT BLACK AND WHITE PEOPLE. There’s a LOT of gray area and it should be on a case by case basis and between them, their parents and their doctors, NOT the government.
Well said Alice. We stand with you. Even if ya have a lasses name. Ha ha ha
The only comment on here that makes sense.
I disagree with you of it not ever happening.
A gentleman sectrtarian aa mtgs at Napa State Hospital had the surgery. Committed suicide after. The patients really had a difficult time after becoming close too him/her. And dealing with a mental illness made it much harder.
The suicide rate of those who have transitioned is about the same as the gender confused who did not. Surgery is not the answer, mental health treatment to show them they are what they were born as is what they are.
News flash, all peo asking for gender reassignment must see a licensed mental professional and undergo therapy and an evaluation. These evaluations are extensive. You kno nothing about the process. Educate yourself before you blather on
You are correct, sir!
Right on brother!!
Dren, your feelings about why the suicide rate among kids who are told they are transgender is 180° backwards. Please… read the literature by peer reviewed studies. The suicidal ideation comes from the same place as not feeling comfortable in their own skin. There is NO other causation. They aren’t (largely) suicidal bc they are transgender and society’s attitudes about that drive them to suicide. They are suicidal and prone to think that changing something about them can make that go away. And for the record, there is a higher rate of suicide for these individuals AFTER they start to transition, rather than before. SO, if we are interested in stopping suicides, we should seriously rethink allowing children to take hormones which (in total opposition to the way they are being promoted) have permanent, life altering effects. You do know that some of the hormone “treatments” are chemical castration drugs, don’t you? You should read the literature and not be taken in by those who would put a happy face on institutionalized child abuse.
Ron, thank you for the well thought out info. You are of course quite correct.
Thank you for confirming once again, it’s a mental illness.
Please prove that the actual replacement of body parts instantly heals emotions and prevents self-harm. Serious question. The automatic assumption of this assertion begs for legitimate, copious proof.
Then treat their mental illness before you cut off their genitals! Stop normalizing the behavior. It’s YOU that is causing the suicide and death because you don’t have enough brains to pour piss out of a boot before you put it on.
Suicide rates increase dramatically after transitioning surgery and hormones. You cannot help mental illness by genital mutilation.
What is ignorant is allowing a child to decide if he or she wants life altering surgery.
A high percentage of people who go through transition surgery still commit suicide. Mutilating your body doesn’t solve whatever the problem is…
Transgenders and advocates like to use suicide, depression and other things as an excuse. Proper parenting and mental health guidance, as well as possibly medication can help. 100% agree with Alice Cooper and this cosmetic company should be ashamed.
There are adults that don’t know what they want in life, and you think a child is able to comprehend the decisions at such a young age? When it comes to the transgender community it’s currently less than 1% of the worldwide population
By all means go for it when they are an adult but until then it shouldn’t even be considered.
Also if you wanna talk about suicide crisis why don’t we talk about why men and why the suicide rate is going through the roof, out of 100,000 ppl the rates are 14.9 woman are 3.6.
You’re an idiot if you believe kids are mentally and emotionally able to make choices which will affect the rest of their lives. They have neither the education or emotional awareness for this.
sounds like a self-correcting problem
Oh shut up there won’t be a suicide crisis ! The supporters of this latest fashion(which is what it is) always bang on about rising suicidal numbers and phobic attacks but as soon as you ask for ANY kind of proven evidence they attack you for questioning their ridiculous statement .
If a trans ‘woman’ died in an accident and was injured beyond all exterior recognisable details and they where identified by internal examination what would they be called ? Unknown male is what they’d be recorded as .
That’s because there is something seriously mentally wrong with them. They need psychiatric help, not coddling.
No. It is a mental issue to be treated by therapists and psychiatrists not puberty blockers and sex reassignments.
You cant fix stupid.
Only because the screwed up society has planted these twisted thoughts in their mind. Get real.
No. He’s right! You’re born one or the other! You’re feelings don’t overrule facts!
I hope that you don’t have children yet.
Yeah, it is black and white. You just don’t want it to be.
Staying strong in your beliefs Alice, I’m sick and tired of people wearing their feelings on their shoulders all the time.
Where is your proof or research data? It’s well known that the suicide rate in transgender youth after surgical “reassignment” surgery is even higher, and once you cut you can’t go back!
It’s absolutely black and white science if you are born with Y chromosomes you cannot change to XY chromosomes period no matter how many pills you take or surgeries you undergo period
He, like everyone else is allowed his opinion. To say that it’s ” ignorant ” is not accepted his point of view, yet you expect all of us that believe your gender is determined in the womb, to agree with your point of view?
Stevie rate is through the roof for those that are coerced into the surgery… get your facts straight and stop spewing the narrative!
You are less than four percent of the world population.
Any suicides done by you sex deviants are a less than a blip.
Any suicides done are due to poor parenting, not your psuedo-science BS.
You are born male, you are male all your life no matter what insanity you believe to be real. You are born female, you are female all your life no matter what insanity you believe to be real.
I, for one, will not support your insanity.
If you think that’s a suicide crisis weekly kids have sex change operations and they grow up and they realize they made a big huge mistake and then they commit suicide it’s proven that most people that have done this end up realizing that it’s not what they should have done Alice Cooper is 100% right
Transgender is a sin against God
The crisis was created by the ridiculous millennial generation, that is why the suicide rate is high in these cases today. There was not an epidemic of trans suicides until the 2020’s.
Exactly !!!
B.S. if you are over 18 you have the right to do whatever the hell you want to YOUR body!
Why would one need to be an age that is beyond legally defined as an adult.
Are you kidding me?? Most people don’t know what the heck they are doing until they are 28!
I agree 100%! Take a look in your pants. That should end all debate.
I totally agree with Alice’s statement. Once again someone put it the way it should be.Become an adult and decide what you want to be .At least you can blame yourself for the wrong decision and not anyone else.Koodos to Alice.
Children have been given hormone blockers for many years, to,prevent the child from going into puberty too early, so a girl at the age of 8 wont have to deal with gettig her period and so on. How come no one said anything about it then? How come it wasn´t disgusting then? How come things get disgusting as soon as it has to do with trans people? To force a trans gender person to wait until the age of 25 that is truly an act of crime against humanity. You cannot even fathom the suffering… But it is easy to be cruel and to refuse to understand when it isn´t you who suffer.
If that’s what my kid wants…..they wait until 18 and or living on thier own. Kids are brainwashed today and change thier mind on a dime. Therapy….YES. chopshop….NO. not under my roof.
You are sick and so are all transgenders
I was kicked off of at least one site yesterday for not wishing Canadian Jann Arden a happy birthday because she is woke AF. And I replied to somebody who didn’t like that by saying I stand on the side of common sense and logic. Of course they called me every made up name in the book. But it was too much for the site administration. Canadian beaver I think it was called or angry beaver. I was only taking my stand, and they were throwing bombs.
💯 agree
Oh, but the parents don’t even have a say. The government can now take charge if the kiddos and give them drugs if they want it.
I totally agree!!!
these parents are effin morons for letting their kids be the boss in the decision to mutilate themselves, should be in jail for child abuse, sex offender along with the doctors who should have license taken and jailed PERIOD
I totally agree 100% with Alice he has the right idea and attitude about sex changes for children, it’s called child abuse for sure and anyone who consents to such an act should be prosecuted accordingly. The cosmetic company just screwed themselves by canceling Alice and I hope there business goes down the tube’s for canceling a well respected legend and a very, very popular showman and singer.
So you can die for your country earlier than a sex change? 18 is good enough or raise the military and drinking age to 21
I 100% Agree with Alice Cooper. If kids are not old enough to drive, drink, or be married, Then please make me understand how in the world they can decide who/what they want to be before they even understand what/who they are now!!
So by that logic, you shouldn’t call them a girl or a boy and just wait til they’re 18?
Umm, you’re seriously missing the point. They are born a boy or girl.
He’s right.
MEH – I’m sure a legitimate company that does not promote mental illness will love to be the artist’s new makeup provider.
I agree with Alice Cooper. I think it is child abuse. They should at least wait until the age of 18. I think if they can fight in for our country, they are old enough to choose what they want.
Sorry, but even transgenders who are getting the surgery are still killing themselves. Surgery cures nothing.
Point is this as a child let them be a child. Let them grow and learn about themselves. Once the become older they are more aware of whom they are and then those discussion take place as to these decisions. Also the science is clear that the biological makeup of an individual will always be the sex they were born with. Thing is that you don’t do these things to kids you let them grow and learn and support them as they find out whom they are.
Trans expect us to accept who they are. They can’t even accept who they are. You can take hormones to be more feminine. You can have an amputation. But you still have XY chromosomes. Can’t change that. XY is male. XX Is female. So don’t expect me to accept you when you can’t accept you.
People need mental care, not their genitals removed! Stop complicating everything. Science is science! Genetics don’t lie. Making eunuchs out of children solves nothing. It’s sterilization of our youth! Stop mutilating our nations children. What they need is God!
I remember when people use to protest out side his concerts and all that did was made him more famous. Bad publicity is still publicity. I wouldn’t dought if in the end it comes out he started this
You know what Alice Cooper should do..?
Tour !!
And please come to Ottawa !!!
We miss you !!!
Who cares
Hey Stoopid I’m with Alice
Generation landslide is here!
I agree 💯% with Alice! If you are born male, you’re male, born female, you’re a female. God doesn’t make mistakes! And having gender surgery doesn’t change your DNA-scientific fact!! Some other company will back him or he can do it himself. He’s a Christian and will not back peddle on this!! Keep rockin’ Alice! We’re behind you!
He is so right….
I can assure you this is a big nothing burger to Alice Cooper. I wouldn’t expect any apology, Nor is there one due.
Yay Alice. You are correct. I am an O.R. nurse, retired (after 3 decades). If I was assigned to do one of these gender reassignment cases, I would refuse. Please don’t back down Alice. It is called Freedom Of Speech. And I am entitled to my own opinion and so is Mr. Cooper.
why can’t we just have opinions without people losing their minds
One hopes the company suffers a staggering sales decline.
Alice Cooper is a class act.
I’m sure he’s not losing sleep sticking to his morals and His faith…trans community is filled with a lot of people with mental disorders and prevention it’s not about being another sex which is impossible. DNA can’t be changed you are what you are. People think just because you don’t agree with their lifestyle its a hate thing
Why call a Dog a cat when you know it’s a dog….it’s the Lgtqrstuv.mental state
A.C has plenty of fans. He doesn’t need the mental cases stamp of approval. go Alice 🇺🇸💀
So tired of fhe woke bs.
Let kids be kids. Why does 5% of the population get to push their agenda on the other 95%?? I really don’t care how you identify and neither should any of us. Just be what you want to be and no one will judge you unless you make it an issue. This cancel culture has to END
Why is it only people with enough balls to speak the truth are the ones that seem to get canceled. All you idiots are doing is canceling what’s really going on.
I understand supporting the feelings of a child (that is who we are talking about) until they can gain the life experiences and maturity needed to make such drastic and permanent changes SHORT of physical, life changing ones that; being that they are children; and lack those things, are subject to whim. Support them as children; and let them make drastic changes with age. Alice’s viewpoint and feelings are reasonable and no one should be “cancelled” because their outlook differs from someone else’s.
Thank God for Alice Cooper speaking up against this BS. Screw what the looney, evil minded left think. It’s obvious they’re all anti-GOD
I stand with Alice.
I don’t particularly agree with Cooper or any opinion made by someone else that effects another person’s body but he’s got a right to his opinion. Cancelling others who think differently is the same as him trying to have control over what others think and do with their own life.
Totally agree with Alice Coopee
Coop you hit the nail on the head. Let the children decide when they are old enough to understand!
47% chance those who cancel him will cancel themselves. Self-correcting problem.
Alice Cooper for President.
He is absolutely correct. The world has gone completely insane!!
Yeah what you just started there is mental illness , mental illness and more mental illness 😮💨🙄
Alice Cooper For President!!
if you gonna come out of the closet be ready to be judged …society really doesn’t care if you are a transgender person. in most cases keep it to yourself and be satisfied with what you feel and are. the whole world is a bucket of different emotions. yes some of us feel different it is not a sin it’s just God’s out come sometimes.
I don’t know a lot about this topic, but I do know that trans people — including children — and medical professionals know more about it than I, or Alice Cooper or people here do.
Does this unheard of cosmetic company really think the great Alice Cooper cares? He cares about God and his family and thats it. He can afford to purchase and wear any freaking cosmetic he likes. And YES, chopping of childrens body parts is utter insanity!
Just one question?
How old must you be to get a tattoo?
18 right how come ??
Case closed
Yeah it’s one thing if you want to mangle your body parts and your an adult, that’s your choice, but doing it to Children is child abuse. And it’s definitely not a school subject it in no way helps you secure a career. We shouldn’t let schools brainwash our children.
Why is this a problem all of sudden? You never heard children complain about their gender before. A friend of mine told me he read an article that children at the age of 3 know what sex they want to be. That’s BS in highest order. Children at the age of 3 are not even thinking of sex at that age. The world has gone mad. It’s af if this gender re-assignmant is a fad.
Every kid plays with their mothers makeup and dresses up like mommy, for anyone saying that it’s a sign of being trans is off their friggin rocker!!!
Children are naturally curious PERIOD! So just let kids be kids and leave them out of your sick and twisted mental delusions!
Alice is 100% spot on when he said: “Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.”
I think Alice said it perfectly. No disrespect intended to anyone (nor do I think he disrespected anyone), but I share the same opinion.
I’ve never respected him more than I do today and I’ve been a fan my entire life.
The WOKE can all die for all I care. Not interested in Vampyre cosmetics or anyone else pushing this agenda.