Sammy Hagar has finally revealed the reason behind replacing his former drummer, Jason Bonham, with Kerry Aronoff in his band. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Hagar discussed the decision to move forward with Aronoff, who had joined the band last minute and quickly learned all the songs for the tour.
Hagar explained, “Yeah, and that’s why he is still in the band. That’s why we’re moving forward with him. There’s two reasons. Number one, he’s one of the greatest drummers on the planet. I think he’s been on more million-selling records than any musician in the world. And he did so well on this tour, and he plays with Joe on a full-time basis.”
The band’s dynamic and the difficulty of coordinating schedules played a major role in the change. Hagar continued, “Keeping this ‘Best of All Worlds’ band together is difficult when you got Jason doing his thing, you got Joe doing his thing, you got Mike and I. We need our beach time and our taco nights, Taco Tuesdays and stuff. Trying to get it together, it really helps by having Kenny’s schedule be with Joe. If Joe’s available, Kenny’s available, and it’s not trying to put pieces together.”
Jason Bonham, who had been with Hagar’s band for ten years, was “a little shocked” to learn that Hagar would continue with Aronoff after the latter stepped in temporarily when Bonham had to leave in late August due to a family emergency. Despite the change, Bonham shared that he has no hard feelings, saying he still loves Hagar “to bits.”
Kenny Aronoff made his debut with Hagar’s band at the Riverbend Music Center in Cincinnati on August 27, following Bonham’s departure.
Hagar has said joe and Jason didn’t get along, real reason.
Need to fix this its Kenny!
Kenny Aronoff and not Kerry !