In an interview with Real Radio Monsters, Kiss’ Paul Stanley revealed if his children and Gene Simmons will take over Kiss:
“That’s nothing they’re interested in. Eventually, they both found their niches, and between Sophie (Simmons), Nick (Simmons), and Evan, they consider themselves brothers, sisters, and family.
”Look, Shannon, to me, is like my sister-in-law. Jean, and I have been together since we lived at home. So, to create this life that we’ve created for ourselves and for each other is an incredible bond.
“To know Nick and Sophie from the time they were babies and vice versa with Jean and Evan and my other children, it’s unlike a lot of other situations.
”Nick and Evan are big supporters of each other, but neither one of them is ever gonna find themselves on a stage with a Kiss sign.”
Well there goes that dream of Kiss staying Alive with their offspring taking over. They are still very young so you never know. But anyway whomever wrote that little article, you kept spelling Gene incorrectly. It’s not J e a n.
I know right? I can’t stand it when people misspell his name!
Nick Simmons has already said years ago, that he’s not interested in taking over from his Dad place in the band. He’s got his own thing going on!