Skid Row is still actively searching for a new singer after Erik Grönwall’s departure from the band.
Recently, Skid Row’s drummer Rob Hammersmith was interviewed by The Metal Summit where he discussed the search for a new singer for the band:
“There’s so many different factors. I say anybody that’s ever been in a band, but it’s not exclusive to being in the music industry. This is really true with really any situation in life, whether it’s a marriage or relationship or any other industry, there’s so many different factors involved. So for us, we certainly look back on some of our past experiences, myself included, I’ve been with the band for 15 years now; longest job I’ve ever held. I don’t know how I pulled this off, but here I am talking to you guys, 15 years later.
”So we really did want to take a minute to say to ourselves and then to each other, how do we we really wanna go about doing something like this in a way that maybe we can do it differently than we’ve done in the past? So for us, that’s been an ongoing process. How do you try to account for all of these different criteria and these things that you have to look for? And knowing the whole time that you’re doing something like this with a potential candidate for a situation like ours, they’re evaluating us as well. So everybody comes to the table with their own different set of criteria.
“It’s been a really, a really interesting process. You really have to sit down and examine, as a band, what are your goals? What is important to you? What do you envision the future of your band looking like? And in a lot of ways, that’s been good for us to really sit down and define exactly where we see the band in five years or in 10 years or in 15 years, God willing. It’s been a really interesting experience.
“For us, the beginning of that process was to really sit down as an organization, as a unit and decide, okay, where do we want to go from here? And then from there you can start to come up with plans. And any other business or like any other business, you sort of have to have a plan, a business plan, but for us the biggest thing was really sitting down and saying, ‘Okay, what do we want to do over the next five years or the next 10 years?’
”That was the biggest part of the process for us. And then from there, putting that out into the public, into culture, however that works these days, whether it’s social media, the Internet, things like that. So that was kind of the next step after we really decided, ‘Okay, this is what we, as a band, envision our future looking like.’ We just jumped right in and started looking.
”And sometimes, like anything in life, you’re just figuring it out as you as you go. So you kind of make some adjustments along the way. I think that was the biggest part of the process for us, is really coming together as a unit.”