Oasis’ Noel Gallagher said many of today’s top rock acts are taking a “boring” approach by “shouting about the f*c*ing news,” saying (via Alternative Nation):
“I think that it’s very easy for guys with guitars to pick up those guitars these days and just sing about what’s on the news.
“I don’t know what the point of all of that is. I think to write songs in this day and age that are full of joy and hope, is almost revolutionary.
“I think that guitar music has become more about f*c*ing shouting, like Dave Grohl, what’s he on about?
“Green Day, and the guy from Queens of the Stone Age, what are they shouting about? They’re shouting about the f*c*ing news. Who wants to sing about the news?
“The news is boring. Donald Trump is f*c*ing boring. Politics is boring. The little fat guy from North Korea, he looks funny, but he’s f*c*ing boring.
“So why would you want to write music about that [stuff]? I think to write songs about joy and hope is f*c*ing revolutionary. There, I just said it, revolutionary.”
Interestingly enough, Homme recently said that his goal as a musician is “to be someone’s escape” and sing about the state of the world, explaining on Mornings With Zan back in August:
“I always wanted to be someone’s escape.
“People talk about the state of the world today, but I always see as many rules and bullies as I do hopeful moments and flowers growing, and puppies running through the grass.
“I think there needs to be a place where escape is valued, other than ice-cream parlors and video arcades.
“I’m here to make Saturdays out of Mondays, and to turn noon into midnight.”