In the Motley Crue documentary, singer Vince Neil revealed the band’s album that he hated.
Vince said:
“Thank God for ”Home Sweet Home” and ”Smokin’ in the Boys Room’” because if it weren’t for those, there would be no other songs on that record. If you asked me to name another song on the record I couldn’t tell you.
“Every night, though I loved singing [‘Smokin’ In The Boys Room’], Nikki would complain that the song was stupid and he didn’t want to play it. I felt like the only one sober enough to realize how bad some of those [‘Theatre Of Pain’] songs were.
”I was shocked the record went double platinum.”
In an interview with Guitar World, Motley Crue guitarist Mick Mars reflected back on CRUE’s two albums ‘Generation Swine’ & ‘New Tattoo’.
Mars stated as follows:
“We had been making greatest-hits CDs and performing all the iconic songs on tour, doing the same thing over and over again. That grows stale. We had performed “Generation Swine” and “New Tattoo,” but in all honesty, both of those were huge letdowns for us and our supporters. So we made the decision, What do you think? We need to sit down and focus right now. We need to make a truly contemporary rock album that yet sounds like Mötley Crüe and demonstrates our growth both as a group and as composers.”
‘Saints of Los Angeles’, their tenth album, was the result of that mindset. With the help of their most recent effort, the most infamous band in the world found fame and popularity once more.