Sammy Hagar’s son, Andrew Hagar, recently talked to Chuck Shute, where he opened up about his experiences on social media and mentioned that he has been subjected to harassment from David Lee Roth fans and others who blame his father for the decline of Van Halen.
He said:
“[People hate me] because of the whole Van Halen feud. I mean, I have people who are massive David Lee Roth fans or people who think my father ruined Van Halen that just direct all that ire toward me.
”I’ve blocked a lot of those people now. So, it’s not as bad as it used to be, but for a long time, I would get crazy messages every day. Many messages every day.
”Usually going into my, you know, whatever that other folder is on Instagram for people you don’t follow or people that don’t follow you.
”But, yeah, it’s just, it blows my mind that people have that kind of time and want to spend that kind of emotional energy just trying to completely eviscerate a stranger who may or may not ever see what they’re saying. It just blows my mind,”
Sammy was good for Van Halen after David left. David Lee Roth is the one that brought Van Halen down. He chopped up all the good songs they had and then later he comes back and screws it up again. I wish Sammy and Van Halen would have stayed together. They probably would have still been going strong today.
I couldn’t say it better than Ed just did! I agree wholeheartedly! David Lee Roth is a showman, talked too much during songs and is all about HIM, not the band. Sammy is in my mind what made Van Halen truly great. If he woulda stayed and the issues resolved in 94, they woulda made a lotta great albums. Instead, look at the crap that came after Balance!
Sammy was already established long before Vanhalen with Montrose, and a solo career, in my opinion Sammy propelled
Van Halen. It was Eddies arrogance (RIP) that caused the decline of Van Halen
in case you didn’t know, they were a low level rock band with 1 or 2 great songs when David left. Jump and maybe 1 other. it was alot of screaming, jumping around, and showboating. David decided to leave, and when Sammy got there, their whole world changed. they became one of the greatest rock bands of all time. some of the best songs ever performed, with an Actual lead singer. they all became household names . bought every album they had with Sammy, as did most people. He was and is still the best VH ever had. so you take this from a long time fan and tell them to shove it.
How old are you? They were kings of the world when dlr left
Seriously? VH 1 & 2, Diver Down, Fair Warning, Women and Children first were huge albums. These albums dominated rock radio in the 70s and early 80s.Running with the Devil. Eruption, Dance the night away , Pretty woman, Jamie’s Cryin and so many more. You obviously have no knowledge of VH with that statement. Jump was a cross over, yes, but a low level rock band? You have no idea what you’re saying. Do some research!!
No one important or relevant ever said that Sammy ruined Van Halen, this actually sounds like someone trying to get their name out there, ANDREW!!!