During an interview with the Real Music Observer. Ted Nugent mentioned the feud between him and singer Sebastian Bach.
Everything began in 2006 after an appearance on the TV show ”Supergroup”, where Nugent starred along with singer Sebastian Bach, Jason Bonham, Scott Ian, Evan Seinfeld, and Doc McGhee. During this show, all these musicians lived in an L.A. mansion planning to perform live under a band named Damnocracy.
Here’s what Nugent commented:
“I have a soulful relationship with soulful people and I would ask Dee Snider why he would presume and falsely accuse. Again, I love the guy, but if I had a problem with you, you know who I’d call? I’d call you.
”I’m just going my mouth off. If I had a problem with- what’s the guy- incredible vocalist, he was with me in the Damnocracy, Canadian guy, long blonde hair… I can’t think of the name of the band, but he was in the Damnocracy… Sebastian Bach!
”Sebastian Bach has just constantly made nasty comments about me, and if I thought something nasty about Sebastian Bach, I wouldn’t say anything until I called him and asked him if these allegations were true. Again, I’m going to repeat what I said earlier: ‘The worst thing you can do as a human being is to falsely accuse.’”