Legendary Jon Bon Jovi is struggling to sing live amidst the ongoing US tour.
The rocker has received bad reviews from most well-known publishers.
Here’s what Ross Raihala of the Pioneer Press said:
“Jon’s vocals are shockingly poor.”
“He struggled throughout the two-plus-hour show. He wasn’t just butchering the older stuff, which the band now plays in a lower key, but the fresh material as well… Quite frankly, it felt like he had forgotten how to sing.”
Théoden Janes of The Charlotte Observer said:
“Throughout the band’s rendition of 2004 promo single ‘The Radio Saved My Life Tonight’, it felt like [Jon] was searching for the right note and only finding it 60 to 70% of the time. During every chorus of megahit ‘You Give Love A Bad Name’, he seemed to unintentionally be singing a little behind the beat, and on top of that, there wasn’t much punch to his vocals — yet he inexplicably seemed somewhat out of breath in spots. On another big anthem — ‘It’s My Life’ — he once again was quite clearly veering into and out of key. And those were just three out of the first five songs.”
1 comment
He was in Nashville last night and it was the same. They made the band louder to cover it up, but…